May 27, 2010 - Burgin, Kentucky, USA - Workers with Earth Positive Energy install a 10-kilowatt, 140-foot wind turbine for BILL and EILEEN SLATER, who have been looking at methods of powering their home in a sustainable and environmentally responsible manner. The wind mill will generate enough electricity, on average, to power all of their needs. BILL SLATER said that a "perfect storm of events", such as the recent coal mining disasters in W. Virginia and Kentucky, the BP Gulf oil spill, and tax rebates made him make the final decision to install the wind turbine. "If there was ever a time, it is now," he said. The installers are Earth Positive Energy out of Paris, Kentucky. From left are DAVE DRURY and STEVE THORNTON. (Credit Image: © David Stephenson/ZUMA Press).
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